Non-nutritive Sweeteners

Non-Nutritive Sweeteners

 Non-nutritive sweeteners are virtually calorie free.

 Be careful when products use the term “natural” because “natural,” has no legal FDA definition. My doctor always says, “If you don’t pick it off a tree or a plant and eat it immediately…it’s not natural”.

 My problem with most of the non-nutritive sweeteners is they haven’t been ingested all that long, so I don’t think we really know exactly how some of them can affect us. I was a kid when most of the non-nutritive sweeteners were approved and I am not even 60 years old. We will know more when people born in the 1970’s are retired and have used these products their entire life.

 HIstorical Dates

1965 Aspartame – Equal, NutraSweet – USA approved: 1981

1967 Acesulfame potassium – Sweet One, Sunette – USA approved: 1988

1976 Sucralose – Splenda – USA approved: 1998

1879 Saccharin – Sweet N’ Low, Sweet 10 – USA approved

Stevia (Rebaudioside A, a highly purified compound of stevia plant) – Truvia,Pure Via – USA approved 2008

Neotame – USA approved 2002 – not available for consumer use

Thaumatin or Talin is approved GRAS in United States: (used mostly abroad) found in the Katemfe fruit from West Africa.

Tagalose – approved 2003 in United States 1.5 calories per gram (sold as Tagetesse)

1980 Alitame (used in Canada)

Stevioside (Rebaudiana) from leaves of the Stevia plant

      My concern is the length of time a person uses these sweeteners that are “generally regarded as safe” (GRAS), but are they? Do we know without a doubt? The only one that someone may have used for 70-80 years is Saccharin. The others are just too new. Most of these products have ADI (acceptable daily intakes) based on weight. Many of these may not be a problem for someone in adulthood or with an “adult weight” 100+ pounds, but for a child weighing 30-70 lbs., the “acceptable” level may be too much; One that I would not want to risk with my child.  

Think twice before offering your child too many products filled with these alternative sweeteners.

Kids do not constantly need to be “tasting” sweetness, thus developing a “need” or “want” for it.





Nothing New

Today is Thursday, May 15th

The topic or question of the day:

Did you know there is” Nothing New Under the Sun?”

         I just finished reading the book Somewhere in France by Jennifer Robson. I was not the greatest student of history in my youth and at the age of double nickels, I am definitely more excited about it. The book is historical fiction set during The Great War and was a good read. Throughout the book, I noticed many things the same a century past. Families, relationships, lovers, decadence, poverty, politics, philosophy and news flash… the fact that War stinks any way you slice it!  

     I am currently taking an ancient history class studying the areas of Mesopotamia, Macedonia, Egypt and Greece from 2686 BC onward. Recurrent themes arise over and over with the same truth penned by Solomon long ago that says, “There is nothing new under the Sun”. People and relationships continue to be similar, politics corrupt, decadence obvious in every historic era, while poverty, slavery, and wars continue to be a part of a fallen world.

     Nutrition/food isn’t any different. The same themes are repeated. There is nothing new. Delicious and extravagant food were enjoyed and abused in antiquity, during peacetime, and wars. Some people were starving and others stuffing themselves with the finest delicacies whether in Palaces, Castles, or The Ritz.   The book gave me an appreciation and a great reminder for the blessing of good food, warm shelter, and appropriate clothing in my life and the ability to share what really isn’t mine with someone in need.

Tip and quote of the day:

“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun” – Ecclesiastes 1:9

 Take action today:

  • Consider reading a book about a subject you may not be familiar with.
  • When you eat your meals today, give thanks and remember that in 24 hours, anything can change.