The ION’s: 3 categories of food

Today is Thursday, May 28th

The Topic or Question of the day

The ION’s: 3: Categories of Food

     Today we will talk about 3 categories of food and how they work in the body.  The categories are:

  • Construction
  • Digestion
  • Infection

Construction Foods

Proteins are comprised of amino acids (building blocks) that make various proteins our body uses to build or repair tissue, form enzymes, and carry molecules our bodies need to the specific receptor sites.  Our body makes several of these building blocks to comprise a protein, but there are several the body must get from food.

Examples of foods containing a good amount of protein:

Meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, peanut butter, cheese, whey protein, pea/rice protein, soy, milk, beans.  Portions are important! Portions are smaller than you think.  Try to eat some protein at every meal.

What protein could you eat at Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

Food that help Digestion

Foods containing fiber aid in digestion. Most Americans are not eating enough fiber. Intake = 11 g on average, needs are 25-30 g

Examples of digestive foods: legumes, tree nuts, fruits/vegetables, oatmeal, barley (beta glucans), wheat bran, wheat germ, and psyllium.  Soluble and Insoluble fiber aid in bowel regulation, fighting cancer, lowering cholesterol, improving irritable bowel diseases, and controlling blood sugars to name a few.

* Some people with GI distress do not digest raw fruits and vegetables well, and must eat them very well cooked.

What digestive foods could we eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Food that Fight Infection

Certain foods are high in phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Most are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans.

These foods are good for fighting infection and inflammation. 

  1. Colors are very important.
  2. Almost every disease state encourages intake of fruits and vegetables for prevention as opposed to eating  sugar, fat or salt.

Tip or quote of the day:

Eat those fruits and vegetables!

Take Action Today:

Answer questions of what types of construction, digestion and infection foods you can eat at each meal.



Apples, more than a fruit?

Today is Tuesday, February 25th

The topic or question of the day:

Does an apple a day keep the doctor away?

I think many times these old sayings hold some truth.  Much like “A penny saved is a penny earned”.  Some reasons an apple a day may be good for you are as follows:

  • A medium apple contains 3.3 grams of fiber and only ~ 60 calories.
  • The apple skin contains insoluble fiber, but the secret ingredient is between the skin and the flesh of the apple and is called pectin.  Pectin is a soluble fiber that may reduce risk of cardiac heart disease and some types of cancer.
  • Ursolic Acid is found in the apple peel and has been found to boost calorie burning and reduce obesity in mice according to a study reported in Huffington Post June 22, 2012.  It was also reported to increase muscle mass and strength.
  • The apple peel contains anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral properties.
  • 50 mg of the phytochemicals in the apple peel inhibited the reproduction of cancer cells in the colon by 43% and by 28% in the apple’s flesh.
  • A small apple eaten 15 minutes before eating a meal causes a significant reduction in mealtime calories consumed.

Tip or quote of the day:  


To avoid most pesticides, cut off each end of the apple.  Most pesticide is found in the stem where the apple hangs from the tree.

Take Action Today:

Eat an apple today!

Try eating a salad with apple chunks 15 minutes before dinner.

Dip & Flips

Today is Wednesday, February 19th

The topic or question of the day is:

What are Dip & Flips?

     Dip & Flips are tasty little snacks, low in sodium, full of fiber, chocolaty, and have a nice crunch.  They are great for any holiday, party or after dinner treat.  The ingredients:  Dark Chocolate >80% cacao, Shredded Wheat (spoon size) and colored sprinkles.  The best part about the sprinkles is the color and type can be changed to match the holiday or multi-colored for birthdays.  Shredded Wheat is inexpensive, salt-free with no added sugar, and full of fiber.  Chocolate contains Flavanoids such as catechin and proanthocyanins that are bioactive and have been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease in small amounts.  A small amount is used preparing these treats.

     Melt 2-3 squares of dark chocolate in your microwave (takes less than a minute).  Dip one side of the spoon sized Shredded Wheat into the chocolate and flip it over on a plate (chocolate side up).  Sprinkle with green sprinkles for St. Patrick’s Day or yellow and pink sprinkles for Easter.  Refrigerate for 10 minutes and then divide into small baggies (10-12) for approximately 100 calorie treat, or leave on a pretty plate and serve.

Tip or quote of the day:

Eat these bite-sized treats one at a time and chew well.  Allow the taste to go through your olfactory and swallow before eating another.  Enjoying your food and practice “enough-ness”.  Always remember, the first 3 bites taste the best!

Take Action Today:

Make Dip & Flips and bring to work, serve them for dessert, or keep them for your daily snack this week.